Ready to achieve

the impossible

Young and old

From specialist to Newbie and CEO

The best way to learn is through experimenting

Our core values


is welcome

Anyone can help build our ships, whoever you are. All these different people bring their own ideas to help us solve challenges we encounter along the way.

The pleasure

of discomfort

Learning new behaviour is often very uncomfortable. But we embrace that inconvenience. Because when you do things differently, the most beautiful things arise!


and discovering

We do not know in advance what the outcome will be of the many things we do. We continuously conduct sustainable experiments and new discoveries. We stumble our way into the future.

our builders

Building boats is about teamwork. And because our builders work towards a common goal, there is a sense of community. This provides an incredible energy and and speed in the building process. The more results our people see, the more motivated and proud they feel. The result? Shiny faces and growing self-confidence.

Volunteers can start their own little experiment on the ship wharf. Do they fail? Then we’ll celebrate this. And then they try again, or find out what does suit them. In this way people (re)discover their own talents and the wheels start spinning again. As a result, a large part of the young people who work with us, successfully return to work or study, or undergo at least a major personal development.