Volunteer Marco: ‘This is where I come up with unique, creative things’

10 januari 2022

Because his head slows down at the workshop, volunteer Marco (52) comes up with new ideas. All while building waste plastic ships. This makes he starts his own experiments.

“The versatility of people, in combination with all the experiments we conduct, provide many unique insights. Because I speak to different people here, I look at my own thoughts and assumptions from a different angle.

For example about work. I notice that many volunteers set the bar very high for themselves, including me. Many of us ended up here – through various circumstances – because we didn’t live up to our own expectations.

At the workshop, you learn to look at yourself in a different way, especially because there is no pressure on your tasks. Your work doesn’t have to be finished tomorrow, and it doesn’t have to be done perfectly. This is where I get rid of the thought ‘I can always do better’.

Being here gives me peace of mind. I am able to notice materials lying around and I think: ‘what can I make of this?’ This gets the blood flowing again and I come up with unique, creative things. That’s an experiment for me too. I could not have imagined that outcome in advance!”