Where we are

& our mission

With the construction of 17th century ships from waste plastic, we discover the building blocks for a cleaner future. At the ship wharf, unexpected encounters take place. People with a distance to the labor market, students, status holders, retirees, CEOs and many others meet each other in our mission: 'Let everyone discover, throwing away is a waste!' While experimenting, they challenge each other to embrace the discomfort. In this way we discover the clean route to a circular and inclusive environment, together.

Where we came from

Clean2Antarctica, an extreme expedition in Antarctica in a car partly made from waste plastic. Many thousands of miles at sea with a floating think tank. All to promote sustainable behavior.

What started as 'mission impossible' is now an amazing story. With trial and error, and many results. And this expedition turned out to be just the beginning of our adventure!

Turn it around and embrace the discomfort.

Liesbeth and Edwin were cooking when they threw away the umpteenth plastic packaging. It was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. They turned over their bin and with it their way of thinking. Why is plastic worthless? Why do we blame the government or the supermarket?

More about clean2antarctica

Where we’re heading

Clean2Anywhere will be the first circular and inclusive shipping company in the Netherlands. We will rent out the Dutch werkboten and the Dutch speeljacht for day trips and (business) events. The Dutch fluitschip will enter the international cargo trade as a sailing merchant ship. In this way we are developing a new circular business model that will serve as a source of inspiration for a new golden age. In harmony with each other and nature. All by rethinking a piece of waste and reversing our habitual behavior.

More about our ships

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