Clean2Antarctica becomes Clean2Anywhere

15 januari 2019

Same mission, new name. With Clean2Anywhere we (still) want everyone to discover that throwing away is a waste! With C2A we start a new experiment: building a 17th century Dutch merchant ship from waste plastic.

The Clean2Antarctica expedition went all over the world. Not only Dutch, but also numerous international media picked up our message “Let everyone discover: throwing away is a waste!” and published about the Solar Voyager on their channels. Some highlights: the interviews with Edwin and Liesbeth at BBC World News, the Dutch NOS Journaal and National Geographic Magazine.

Our mission touches everyone

The expedition with the Solar Voyager (a vehicle in the core built from waste plastic, powered by solar energy) to the South Pole was a unique mission. Not just for the media. In fact, it touched everyone. Big and small companies, governments, and ordinary people like you and me, all over the world.

Because everyone faces the same global plastic problem. Anywhere in the world, wherever you live. It’s a product of our (universal, it seems) habitual behavior. We know it has to change, but how do we do this?

Finding solutions for a cleaner and circular world, we believe, lies in changing our own mindset about waste. Because what if waste is not waste, but a resource? A new building material? What if we no longer threw anything away? As far as we are concerned, time to start experiments. No matter who you are, start your own little sustainable experiment, in your own way.

We will continue as Clean2Anywhere

After the success of Clean2Antarctica, we knew: have to continue our mission. That’s why we are starting a new experiment. We are going to build a Dutch ‘Fluitschip’ out of waste plastic, a huge 17th century merchant ship. All the people who will say “That’s impossible!”, we happily refer to Clean2Antartica.

But where will this new experiment take us? We have no idea. We are starting an experiment and of that, you definitely don’t know the outcome. Otherwise, it’s not an experiment.

It could be Anywhere.

That’s why we will continue our mission as ‘Clean2Anywhere’. It doesn’t matter where we go, as long as we follow the Clean Road. Anywhere.